6 Steps After Signing Up With GoodSeeker
So, you just created your GoodSeeker account (hooray)! You see the value in stories. You know your company’s looking to spotlight awesome employees, retain the best workers, and attract more top quality candidates. Perhaps you’re also looking to boost morale during COVID-19? When you’re ready to take the next steps, we’re always here to help!
- Schedule A 20-Minute Call
When you first sign up and sign in to GoodSeeker, your profile may look bland. We’re here to help you personalize and customize your company profile to best suit your needs. Schedule a 20-minute Zoom call with us so we can walk you through the platform and help answer any questions.
- Write Your First Story
Writing your first story is an exciting milestone as it is the first step to harnessing the power of a story and you’ll lead by example when you invite more employees to become authors. If you’re having trouble thinking of a “story spark,” here are some story prompts:
- A “Values” Story - Have a positive work experience that highlights your organization’s values? A personal value that your organization embodies? Do tell!
- A “Big Help” Story - Did a team member help you complete a task? Did your supervisor go the extra mile to assist you with a project? Show your appreciation!
- A “Live & Learn” Story - Did a co-worker catch a mistake? Lead you in the right direction? Share helpful tips? Talk about your experience!
- Invite 5 Authors
When you invite your team members to become authors and they begin sharing their stories, that’s when the value of GoodSeeker takes full effect.
Maybe you never knew how a co-worker’s brilliant idea sparked a project or how a new hire did extra work behind-the-scenes to pull off an event. Use GoodSeeker to build and share a library of success stories that happen everyday behind the scenes at work. Encourage your 5 team members to share a story within the first 1 week of signing up; this will create momentum not only for them to latch onto the platform but for other employees to want to join in as well.
- Create A Campaign
Maybe your company is trying to keep culture intact while most employees work remotely due to COVID. You could create a GoodSeeker campaign titled, “Highlights at COMPANY NAME” encouraging folks to share stories that highlight their favorite moments at work. You could collect a dozen or so of these employee stories and then run a social media campaign using them to attract top candidates. Since employees are your most trusted source of content, why not uplift and promote their experiences?
- Create A Nudge
A nudge is a little e-mail reminder to someone usually to write a story. You can also nudge someone to share a story on their socials, make a donation, or send a thank you (it’s up to you)! You can customize the nudge or keep it simple with: “Hey there! I would love for you to share a GoodSeeker story about…” Nudges are great for when you hear of an employee going above and beyond or an employee lending a helping hand, and you wanting it to be shared with the whole team. Reminding someone that a good story is important shows that you value their hard work and that person being part of the company.
- Keep Sharing Good Stories!
Once you get a handful of employees signed on and familiarized with the platform, we suspect that GoodSeeker will gain momentum in the workplace and stories will be shared often. You can always get creative and keep the good stories rolling by: proposing an incentive, sending nudges, and just writing stories about how much you appreciate a fellow employee / employees. As Erik Ayers, our CEO, says:
“Stories that highlight employees' and their "unique" contributions to your organizational values and brand are an untapped strategic asset. If leveraged, that can make a big impact on the employee's experience and brand reputation.”