Getting started with GoodSeeker FREE plan
4 Steps to Start Using GoodSeeker Today
GoodSeeker is a platform to promote your thriving workplace culture by helping employees and stakeholders share their stories about working with your team. With GoodSeeker you can reinforce values, promote a positive culture, and connect people to your organization in a meaningful way.
We’ve learned a few keys to getting started along the way. Introducing it to a diverse group of employees as early contributors is important. Encouraging leaders to share a few early stories that set the tone is also important. But the one I feel is most critical is this.
“Small examples make the best stories when getting started.”
Our research says that 90% of employees wished leaders noticed the small stuff. They said it would make them feel more connected to the organization. When leaders share stories in GoodSeeker about small things it shows employees that they are aware and appreciative. It also breaks the ice and encourages others to share their own.
Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to attract the best and keep the best.
1. Create a FREE Account (1 min)
Go to A work email is all that this required. No credit card needed. We are happy to have you on board!
2. Write the 1st Story (5 min)
After you create your organization’s profile, click “Write A Story.” While writing your first story, do not fret! It can be short and sweet. If you are not sure what to write about, several prompt ideas will pop-up to provide suggestions.
3. Invite 5 People (5 min)
Invite your first 5 people to sign up. They will set the tone for your organization. Consider employees senior executives, newer employees, and people from different teams(i.e. finance, marketing, sales). Ask them to write 1 story within the first 1 week of using GoodSeeker to help you kickstart things.
4. Pick a Theme and Invite Others (5 min)
After your first few stories it's time to invite more authors. This can be a few people or everyone. Ask them to share a story about a theme that highlights a value (i.e. courage, creativity, collaboration, etc.). Or collect stories related to an important initiative. Offerring an incentive like a gift card to get employees to start sharing stories is a good idea as well!
Turn on your GoodSeeker radar. It's time to discover your story.